13 Colonies. 13 Stories. 1 Nation.
America's Tapestry
Be a part of America's 250th Anniversary.
Explore the New York tapestryIn 2026, Americans will celebrate our country's 250th anniversary. To commemorate this occasion, America's Tapestry weaves together stories from our nation's founding through the medium of embroidery.
Thirteen embroidered panels have been designed by our creative team in collaboration with historical organizations from each of the original colonies. Embroiderers within each state, led by our state directors, are stitching the panels over 18 months. The Tapestry will be exhibited in prominent gallery spaces in 2026 and 2027.
America's Tapestry enriches our understanding of our shared heritage, while promoting the art of American needlework. Through our virtual and in-person programming, visitors can learn about the revolution and engage in the historic practice of needlework.
Documentary excerpt: "The Making of America's Tapestry"
Our Vision
Preserve History
Create a lasting artistic record of America's founding that will educate and inspire future generations.
Educate Young Americans
Provide educational resources that bring colonial history to life through art and storytelling.
Promote Needlework
Inspire creativity, preserve, and advance traditional craftsmanship.
The Tapestry Collection
Our Team
State Directors
Regional leaders who coordinate the creation of state-specific tapestry panels and engage local communities in the project.
Meet Our State DirectorsHistorical Partners
Museums, archives, and cultural institutions that provide historical expertise and resources to ensure authenticity.
Meet Our Historical PartnersIllustrators
Artists who create the detailed designs that form the foundation for each tapestry panel.
Meet Our IllustratorsStitching Groups
Collectives of skilled needleworkers who bring the tapestry designs to life through traditional techniques.
Meet Our Stitching GroupsLatest News

Welcome to our new Blog
Introducing our new blog where we'll share updates, historical insights, and event information about the America's Tapestry project.
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